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Snail Ride-On Buggly-Wuggly

Snail ride-on in excellent condition. Description from website: ride-on squeaks and beeps as kids ride around the house while holding on to the two sturdy eyes. The wheels roll smoothly on flat surfaces, so you can easily give little ones a push to help them along the way or let them explore on their own. And if toddlers need to grab a few things on-the-go, they can store their tiny treasures right under the ergonomic seat! No matter how kids choose to play, the Buggly-Wuggly is sure to keep them active and will improve their gross motor skills. 3 AAA batteries are required. Recommended for toddlers 1 year and over.


  • SizeL (like a skateboard)


  • Toddler (1 to 3 year old)


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